Volleyball Lessons

  • 55-minute lessons
  • Gym Location: Twilight Arena in West Linn
  • By Application Only
  • Level 1 Lesson - one athlete - $100
  • Level 2 Lesson - Add $30 to the lesson. You get a second coach to do things like live setting and more game-like training
  • Small group lesson - 1st athlete is $100; Each additional athlete - $40 (max 3 in a small group)
    • All small group lesson combinations must be pre-approved by Coach Chijo.
  • At least one parent must be present for the entirety of all lessons.
  • Payment is due on the day of the lesson (No Refunds)

Lesson Application

NOTE - Applications and demand far exceed the availability of lesson slots. Many requests cannot be accommodated.

The following criteria will be heavily considered.

  1. Applications that make us say, "Wow."
  2. Applications written by the athlete.
  3. Current PVC athletes.