Where is Coach Chijo's Volleyball Gym?

Twilight Arena, Volleyball Gym in West Linn, Oregon

Twilight Arena, Volleyball Gym in West Linn, Oregon

Coach Chijo conducts his volleyball lessons and camps at the Twilight Arena in West Linn.


470 Twilight Trail
West Linn OR
(Google Map)

The above address is the home of the gym owners. The gym doesn't have its own address. Once you turn onto Twilight Trail, drive past their house on the left. Right after you pass their house look for a white "GYM" sign on a stone post on your left.

Turn left there and drive down the short paved driveway and you will see the tan-colored metal gym building on the left and the parking directly ahead and to the right.

Lost? Call or text Chijo: (503) 936-2632

volleyball Gym sign
Look for the "GYM" sign on your left.
Turn LEFT at the "GYM" sign.
Turn LEFT at the "GYM" sign.
Drive down the paved road to the volleyball gym you'll see on the left.
Drive down the paved road to the gym you'll see on the left.